Lessons – Cadiz, Spain – [04/19/2012]

“People are like locks, they’re really complicated and frustrating but you can’t force them. You have to take time and be fiddly – you learn to be patient and just wait until you hear the…”click”” – Leverage

Working on ships is a fantastic way of people watching sometimes you learn more about people than you ever want to. You also learn an amazing chunk about yourself. You learn that you can be a lot more patient, and understanding, you learn that things that would have broken you previously strengthen you. You learn that you can be empowered enough to face your own dragons instead of running to the army that you’ve discovered behind you.

You learn that you have that army.

You learn who’s in your corner, come hell or high water (and I still wouldn’t want to go against any of you in a fight so you’d best stay in my corner!), and you learn who the ones are that will love you, but can’t fight next to you.

You learn that the best friendships in the world, can be the ones that fall between the lines of societies labels and that that isn’t really a problem despite the fact that society seems determined to make it one.

9 days left…10 months out…teaches you a lot about the world. About yourself, and who you are, about what you see when you look in the mirror.

On a less metaphysical note, it can also help you finish one embroidery pattern, 4 seasons of Leverage, 5 seasons of True Blood and more chocolate than one cares to think of…

“Normal is whatever works for you, we all work okay” – Leverage

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