No matter how hard you try to please everyone, there is always always someone you simply cannot please at all. And there’s always at least one who feels the compulsion to take out that displeasure on almost everyone that they meet whether or not they are related to the problem.
In short, there is always someone who’s determined to be a headache.
The decision not to call in Port Moresby was not one that was reached easily, and a lot of people don’t always compute that missing a port of call costs the line a lot of money and creates a heap of paperwork. It’s not a decision that the stripes make lightly, quite the opposite. In this case, Port Moresby simply was not safe. At all. Granted, it’s never really been safe, there were lots of people wondering why we were calling there in the first place and many who were extremely relieved at the change in plans. There were more people disappointed that we ended up not being able to overnight in Brisbane (they couldn’t provide a berth for us), than there were that we couldn’t stop in New Guiana.
But there’s always one. And that one can touch of others. The same guest has gone off on the travel guide, the FCC (future cruise consultant) and me about how furious she is that we won’t be stopping in Port Moresby. They simply refuse to listen to reason and will not accept the fact that this was a decision made for their safety. There are people hijacking buses in Port Moresby! Even if we put the guests only on escorted tours it wouldn’t be considered safe!
Honestly if you are in so much of a hurry to endanger yourself why not just book a trip there yourself? Why bother coming on a cruise?