Wastin’ Away Again – Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos – [10/29/2013]

wastinawayAnyone who wonders why I took the extension on this contract need really look no further than days like today. Because really, despite the fact that I like a good cultural experience as much as anyone (um…Florence anyone?) – I’m hard pressed to think of anything that makes for a better day than lounging by a pool with your best friends, sipping one of those highly dangerous drinks that come with an umbrella and a cherry.

I’m the first to admit that there ain’t much to Grand Turk, and yet it remains one of my favourite ports in the Caribbean, simply because of the tourist trap that is Margaritaville. Five minutes from the ship, the restaurant has good food, great music, 52 flavours of margaritas and a “5 O’clock Somewhere” Hurricane that always tastes way too good.

I had actually intended to spend the day there alone, since most of the department heads down the beach to the cheaper restaurant that has better wi-fi (I wanted the pool, sometimes I’m just that superficial), but when I first wandered through there wasn’t a seat, so I wandered out again with the vague idea of taking a walk on the beach and ran directly into Amras and Alasse, which we kind of decided was fate…

This is one of those…can you believe that are at this very moment getting PAID?

Hells yes!

Three hours of lying in the sun, swapping stories, drinking rum (just a little bit – I am nothing if not responsible when I have to work), and splashing each other in the pool.

There are days when I simply adore my life and pretty much everyone in it.


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