I don’t know if the fact that I haven’t been sleeping lately comes from simply never fully coming off of ship schedule (where your entire social life pretty much has to take place after midnight or you give up on having one) or something else…but either way, sleep does not seem to have been my friend this vacation, my nightowl tendencies have definitely reared their head.
Thing is, nights make me think too much…and remember too much, and then I spend the rest of the night trying to undo the resulting tangle. And sometimes there are a lot of knots in that very very fine gold chain…
You’ll notice that the countdown has gone back up on the right hand side of the blog. It’s that time again…already.
Flight details came in this afternoon, thankfully (and in an instance that almost never happens), they’re not only flying me direct to San Francisco, they’re flying me first thing in the morning (and when I say first thing I mean oh-dark-stupid-in-the-morning-when-the-rest-of-the-sane-world-is-asleep early, my parents are not pleased, and the buses have NOT started running that early this time of year so there’s not much I can do unfortunately). The upside of flying out that early is that I get a whole day in San Fran, which I’ve not been to since I was just a kid…hopefully I’ll be able to meet up with friends and do some long necessary catch-up, and then get in a good night’s sleep before heading back to the flagship…
And yes…I have to pack, and since this is a flagship contract, that means packing everything from a flapper dress to a sari and the airline they’re flying me on charges for ALL luggage…
That’s where half of my mind is…the other half is on the fact that hey, it’s Christmas! And I’m home! And that’s awesome! And we still have to finish the tree and wrap presents and I still have to make that peach pie I’ve been planning on attempting for months now…I have Christmas cards to address and mail (first time in ages I’ve actually attempted such a thing)…
And in between all that, I’m trying not to think about the people I miss, and the people I will miss in the next few weeks, trying not to think about the occasions I’m missing and the ones I’m heading toward, trying to look forwards and not backwards…
And all the other millions of things that bounce around in your brain in well…the wee small hours of the morning…
You still occupying your time with ghostly walks?