Packing It In – Victoria – [12/11/2013]

600-00954680Have I mentioned that I hate packing? I hate packing.

Honestly, I need to live in the Harry Potter universe for a few days, where I could just mutter a couple of magic words and everything would be all weighed, neatly folded and fit in my suitcase.

This is a problem when you have to pack for twenty theme nights, plus your uniforms, plus your actual…normal clothes. (which end up being the lowest priority once all is said and done). And of course, being a girl, it’s not just clothes – there’s also the dress shoes, the nylons, the make-up, the hair-curler, hairdryer and speciality shampoo…plus the so called ‘optional’ stuff which isn’t really optional because I can’t bear to travel without my make-shift ‘home’ (seriously, I’m considering making my own bunk bed curtains I am really that much of a geek).

Thankfully I only need to do this every four months or so, and even more thankfully I only have to pack for the World Cruise once a year. That’s one thing I am deeply looking forward to about not doing the Grand Asia: packing for a ‘normal’ summer contract is SO much less complicated!

Last night I actually had to unpack everything, refold it, and repack it just to get the last bits and pieces to fit. Which inevitably ended up with me taking stuff out which I will possibly regret later, we’ll see…

Of course, in addition to packing, work-related stuff seems bent on just following me around this holiday, and just when I thought it all was *finished* well…it wasn’t. The details aren’t something I can really go into right now (nothing is finalised) but I will say this: at first I freaked out, then I realised that this has the potential to be really REALLY good…so now I’m excited. So that’s a good thing.

But I still hate packing…

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4 Responses to Packing It In – Victoria – [12/11/2013]

  1. Julia says:

    Hermione’s charmed beaded bag is one of my favourite things about the Potter universe.
    Twenty theme nights is a lot of theme nights. And I know your Chesh costume doesn’t take up much space! I hope you got all the essentials in, plus a few things to make your space feel like your own. All the best for what’s around the corner!

    • GypsyShaughnessy says:

      I so want that beaded bag!!

      Yeah, it’s a lot of formal nights. Yes, Chesh doesn’t take up much space (but I don’t need to take that one this time) but the ballgowns? They take up room! And no worries, I will *always* find room for my home-in-a-bag 🙂

  2. Auntie Sue says:

    Morning Sweetie! When are you away?? I thought you were home for Christmas!! 🙁 I echo Julia Good luck for the turning of the corner! XXOO

    • GypsyShaughnessy says:

      I was originally going to be – but they need someone to take the flagship out of drydock and make sure that the library is ready for the World Cruise, so I’m going out early. Fly out on the 17th

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