Finding the Wor(l)ds – Victoria – [12/15/2013]

fantasy_book_by_patrizianofi-d4luv0lI’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing something, although my earlier efforts are of…dubious quality. The thing is, all those years writing leads to a lot of half finished projects that have either fizzled out partway through or have – and this is the most annoying – hit stalls. Blockades that I simply can’t seem to get my characters over under or around.

I am currently finding this particularly frustrating as I have not one, not two, but three exceptionally promising manuscripts that are completely stalled. I have a clockwork woman hesitating at the doors of  gothic mansion and no idea whatsoever what she may or may not find on the other side, I have a concubine about to plunge into a death-like sleep within the closed walls of a funerary temple with absolutely no idea of what’s going to happen to her when she does wake up (I managed to keep her alive this far, which was no easy task, and now that she’s alive, she’s…stuck in the temple and I don’t know how to get her out), and one Fairy Princess who’s betrothed was just slaughtered by her bodyguard…that one at least is finished, in that it has a beginning a middle and an end,…but it needs major fleshing out (there’s a war in there somewhere, which needs strategic planning out and the kind of writing I simply don’t do because I am so far from an expert or an enthusiast on tactical or military history, I may be doing some recruiting for research help on that one)…

Too many ideas in my head…and utterly no idea what to do with any of them.

It’s a good thing that I’m not planning on getting off the ship a whole lot on this upcoming contract, because one of these walls is going to shatter and then maybe finally I’ll get a few more pages worth reading…

Writer’s block…ugh…

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