It never ceases to amaze me how quickly sunset comes out here. One moment the sun is blazing just above the horizon, the next it has dropped line a coin into a penny candy machine and the sky has gone dark.
Perhaps that’s one of the things that makes time seem like it moves more quickly out here.
One of many things I’m sure.
Only two weeks in and the days are already starting to blur together. Port day, sea day, port day, sea day; with very little at the moment to differentiate one from the other. Once the World Cruise officially starts it will become simpler as there will be two librarians again, and the ports will be more varied.
Sitting around the table at dinner this evening we were all commenting on how quickly the days start to blend. Soon when someone comes up to ask us the day of the week we’ll look at them blankly, that’s the one question you can never ask a crew member because we really just don’t think of days of the week any more.
Right now everyone is able to stay focused on the current cruise, but within the next few days the behind the scenes prep work for the GWV will start in earnest. Drafts of schedules flying back and forth from computer to computer, paperwork being printed, new management team boarding (though, as far as I know, not working yet)…all without a hitch in the flow of our day to day operations.
Like the song says ‘quickly flow the days’…