It’s so surreal when one can look across the water from their current ship and see the ship they just left before the holidays. It’s like looking into a snippet of your own past. Not that I don’t seem to spend a lot of time these days looking back to this past summer.
Of course the crew on that ship are all totally different now. The rest of ‘my’ band debarked shortly after Amras and I did, and shortly after that most of the management team changed over as well. I suspect there’s only one person I know there at the moment, and I’m supposed to be meeting her for lunch if we ever get to open tender – which seems to be taking forever this morning. Apparently everyone is feeling too lazy to go and see Grand Cayman!
Come on people get off the ship!
It ultimately only took about two hours to clear the ship to open tenders. Which timed exactly to when I finished work.
Thing is, today I was just going from one ship to another, so I was still in uniform when I got to the tender platform
You must be going across to visit the sister ship
What gave it away?
We can’t visit ship to ship out of uniform without a visitor’s form being filled out y’see.
It’s a very strange experience walking the halls of a ship you so recently debarked. There are whispers of memories and ghosts around every corner. In this case they were at least all good ghosts, but it was still…strange. Halfway to my old roomie’s office (where I was picking her up to go to lunch) I started to wonder if perhaps I should have just met her ashore.
You are so on the wrong ship! You belong here!!!
Nope, I belong where I am…for now anyway. Feels weird though…
Once she got sprung from work, we ambled across the street and climbed the stairs to Margaretiaville (there’s one in nearly every port around here) and sat munching nachos (not as good as the ones in Grand Turk) and sipping Hurricanes – until eventually, we both returned to our respective tenders and our separate ways.
And as we were walking back to the pier the flagship caught my eye, and there…gracing the vast white expanse of her bow, is the emerald green logo:
Grand World Voyage 2014
And it hits us both while we’re standing there…
Oh my Goddess….48 more hours…