Return of the Gremlins – At Sea – [01/03/2014] last day of the cruise is always the busiest. The last day of the cruise with an entirely new internet system was something myself and my trainers and co-workers were dreading to begin with (I was joking that I was going to miraculously develop the flu or some such stupid thing just to get out of it).

And then…in a case of the world’s worst timing. The gremlin’s struck again.

We all woke up this morning to no internet signal.

None. Whatsoever.

No one can log in. Not crew, not pax, even our email connection to corporate (which is usually the last thing to go down) is spotty if functioning at all. We are, pretty much, cut off from the outside world as a whole.

On a day when 1300 passengers are all going to want to print their boarding passes. When there’s a huge storm on the East Coast that is grounding half of said flights anyway and people want to know about that.  Seriously, this couldn’t have gone down on a worse day. Especially since I’m still trying to return about 200 books that are constantly coming back….

I hates gremlins!

We finally got the system back at about 11:30 in the morning, which had the effect of making the afternoon that much busier, but there’s nothing much we can do about that. Thankfully, management does have my back, and after this? I’ll definitely be more sturdy on my feet as far as conflict goes!

Though I swear if one more person yells at me today for something I can’t fix… *sigh*

Aw well, at least we only go through it once a cruise!

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4 Responses to Return of the Gremlins – At Sea – [01/03/2014]

  1. Robin says:

    Bugs…. gotta love em… NOT… Rollouts of new hardware is always iffy.

  2. Brian says:

    Up side you leveled up on you “Dealing with irrate guest” and “IT” skill sets.

  3. Joseph says:

    IT systems can be dodgy.. Good thing you have such an amazing IT Officer onboard to always fix the problems.

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