Liar, Liar! – At Sea – [01/09/2014]

LiarYesterday afternoon the phone rang during my break, which is rare, because people don’t usually call me in my cabin on this ship, especially since I don’t have a roomie (since, to be honest, most people who call my call looking for my various roommates) – unless it’s my co-librarian who needs to check on something during shift, my phone usually stays silent. So imagine my surprise when it not only rings, but the caller ID reads “Cruise Director”.

My first instinct is that I had forgotten to be somewhere and this was a reminder call, but no that’s not what it was.

Hey Shaughnessy, was wondering if you’d be interested in doing tomorrow night’s game show – we need a third for Call My Bluff.

Is that the one that’s basically live Balderdash?


Okay, I’m in.

Which is how this evening found me sitting between the cruise director and the comedian on stage in the main show lounge, trying earnestly to make the audience believe that impignorate meant “to be caught in a complicated lie outside of court” (it really means to pawn or auction something) and various other shenanigans . There were two things working in my favour (at least when I had the lie, when I had to tell the truth and was trying to get people not to vote for me this worked against me): I am – by trade if not by training – a librarian, people assume I’m hardwired to be a source of reliable knowledge, as a result of this as long as I kept my definitions dry and logical people had no reason not to believe me. And secondly well…I’m an actress.

Silv used to joke that she didn’t dare teach me to play poker, because I could be either the worst player or the best player in the world and you would never know which until it was too late.

I’m pleased to say that in the end it was my definition that had us win out over the audience (and it was a close call, they had to get three right to win, and it came down to one answer to throw the game) – but that was partially because the cruise director’s answer (which was actually the right one) sounded so ridiculous (“Ticklespla: Pigeon Samoan for milk leaking from a cow’s or a goat’s utter” SERIOUSLY???!? That is a real thing in the world!?) that my more logical one seemed obvious.

Let that be a lesson to them: never go for the obvious! HA!

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3 Responses to Liar, Liar! – At Sea – [01/09/2014]

  1. Ian says:

    Hah, that’s fantastic! What was your definition of Ticklespla?

    • GypsyShaughnessy says:

      “The sound one makes while laughing and choking at the same time” (as in when someone makes you laugh when you’re drinking something etc etc)

  2. Auntie Sue says:

    😀 Nice one hon! I always find it hard to keep a straight face when I have the right answer… as you say sometimes it works for me . Hope it’s going well for you though at least you’re away from the snow! Take care kiddo xxoo

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