Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Till We’re Done – Bar Harbour, Maine – [09/26/2014]

busybusyGreetings from the desk of….

Sometimes it feels like you’re doing a dozen things at once, but along with that comes the sense of triumph when you manage to finish all those things at once.

Since Amras debarked last Montreal, I’ve been guilty of throwing myself rather completely into work. Perhaps guilty isn’t the right word exactly, but that’s kind of how it works out here: loved one debarks, you throw yourself 110% into the job, because it provides an excellent distraction from the huge hole in your social life! I promised my Big Brother I wouldn’t shut myself off, and I haven’t been…but…that doesn’t change the fact that there’s been a lot to do.

Y’see, when Toffy made the decision to leave the shore-side entertainment office, she transferred a lot of admin over to ship-side in order to make sure it got finished , and that her replacement wouldn’t have to struggle with all of it during her first week. So in the last few days I’ve researched and completed the schedule for the fleet’s 2015 book club schedule (that project is fun! I get to spend hours looking up cool books!), reformatted and rebranded all the quizzes, sudokos and daily crosswords for the office and emailed the whole kit and caboodle back over to my new boss. I’m now just waiting to hear back from her, but since she’s still settling in I suspect that may take a while.

All the while the phone is ringing, the internet is lumbering along causing its normal amount of grumbles and we won’t go into the amount of returns that have been coming through my book drop! And I had to prep and schedule the tentative meetings for my own book club since we’ll be heading into the Crossing soon and my EM wants everything ready well in advance. And I had to chase up the actual book club order as it was supposed to arrive on board last week and didn’t…

It sounds like a lot, but in reality, it’s just keeping me busy…and out of trouble ;)…I’m a really really good secretary, and there are times when this becomes a seriously secretarial position.

And, well, after all, like the old song says: when the sun is high in the afternoon sky, you can always find something to do…


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