Let’s see, the downside of today? I spent most of it in a dentist’s chair, which is far from my favourite place to be. But alas, when one has a chipped filling, one really doesn’t have any choice but to buckle down and let them repair it. So like the brave little toaster I am, I had the ship send me to a San Diego dentist, who was able to make the repair relatively quickly and – thankfully – painlessly. My jaw remains a bit sore, but the tooth is better, and that’s what matters.
Loathe to let the lousy start to do my day ruin the rest of it, I jumped in a cab from the dentist’s office and went to the mall, where they have a Hot Topic. It’s such a bizarre store really, when I was in university it was all dark faux-goth clothes and fake spiked collars, then overnight being a nerd became cool…and it turned into the ultimate comic book/Disney/tv show store…which means now when I walk in there, it’s usually best if I do so without a credit card. But at least this time I went in knowing what I wanted…and walked out with a selection of Disney hair clips (my uniform is grey, come on), and a pack of Alice in Wonderland socks, which will add to my growing collection of fun socks, which is all part of my pursuit of adding more colour to my life.
See, I have a plan! I swear.
Hey, at least I did without the Dr Who lounge pants I’ve been eyeing…
This time…
Come to think of it though I maybe should have got those as well, because I need something to curl up in while I’m watching the next to seasons of Stargate SG-1, that will also have arrived today.
On the pratical side today also brought me a fan for my cabin, which is suffering from the curse of malfunctioning air conditioning. Overheated room means no sleep, no sleep means very cranky Shaughnessy…so the fan is definitely a good thing.
So on balance, I think I can call this one of the good days.