It’s that time again..
Chocolate acquired, movie chosen…resignation to suitcases that came to the ship underweight leaving the ship overweight in place….
Time to pack…
The last few days of a contract always are so surreal. It’s as if I’m here but…not here. And packing ,packing remains the worst chore pretty much in the history of…ever.
That said, I actually started packing weeks ago; because we left French Polynesia and that meant I wasn’t going to need any of my warm weather outfits. The east coast of Canada is not exactly weather of shorts and tank tops, not even in June. So the hard part was mostly done. Just a matter of getting the paperwork out of the drawers and the pictures down off the walls.
But it still feels weird.
It’s amazing how much of a life can fit into just two bags. But it does. Fortunately I haven’t accumulated too much stuff this contract, although more than I normally would have – especially in the way of books. And Disney t-shirts and general articles that are colourful.
And also a small metal mermaid statuette…
And several outfits for Applejack
Okay so maybe I did acquire some extra stuff.
So hopefully it will all fit into just those two suitcase!
~lol~ So did it all fit? When does AJ get her own suitcase?