Discordant – Icy Strait Point, Alaska – [09/02/2017]

Oh yes, progress report:

Almost a month of not being able to attempt to practice (doctor said that I had to lay of attempting anything while my shoulder got better for two weeks, and then I was without my guitar at all for two weeks during the first cruise of this contract)…what little muscle memory I had begun to develop is…gone

So status report is: Shaughnessy now has to start all over.


Half an hour just to even remember how to tune the guitar to itself…

But at least I took that half hour…

And I can remember an E-major chord, and I know logically that from there it’s just a few small steps to get back to the four chords I’d already learned…

And a half hour a day after not playing for a month is a good starting point for now.

One step forward, two steps back and all that jazz…

At least the guitar is in tune…

I think…


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