Well sadly all good things must come to an end.
For the last 7 days, this ship has been a non-stop festival! Music everywhere (though I didn’t see as many of the shows as I intended, it seems that my crowd-induced panic decided to pick this week to kick into full steam)…smiling faces and crazy resteraunt hours (breakfast being served at 2 in the afternoon? On ship? Huh?)…
And for me it’s been an entire week with no responsibilities, no uniform, and no expectations. In all honesty, this may be the first thing even close to a vacation that I’ve had in a while. I’ve spent the last seven days sleeping in, finishing books, taking pictures and working on that new cross-stitch project. Oh, and arguing with those Ghost Hunter shows that are constantly on the travel channel (I mean really! You go into a known haunted space, unprotected, without even a piece of hematite? And then you *start* a ritual but don’t finish it and wonder why things go really wrong…seriously?…ahem I digress).
Tomorrow we dock in San Diego and this crazy dream of a charter will be over, they’ll had me back the keys to my classroom and everything will reset…
And I’m kind of sad about that, because there’s so much I didn’t get a chance to see, so many cool people I didn’t get a chance to meet…
For the first time ever? I don’t want these guests to leave!