At last, the seas have calmed down, you would never know by looking out the window now that the day before yesterday was gloom and doom and white caps. Yesterday afternoon the sun broke through and painted the waves a blissful sparkling blue, and while the ship was still rolling on the higher-than-usual swells, we were able to reduce our security measures considerably, and today we are back to normal operations.
Our little floating city is upright again, and overall a much happier place.
We remain at sea though, making our now-gentle way towards Easter Island. With any luck the improved weather will result in an improved experience for the guests as the rain and wind has considerably eroded the enjoyment of some (it’s eroded the enjoyment for the crew too, but that’s beside the point). I do wish there was something that we could do about the weather and the impact it has on all our shipboard services from eating to email, but Mother Nature simply refuses to answer our offers to put her on the payroll.
But at least she’s not angry with us anymore, and 10 or so hours of solid sleep has cleared most of the homesick tears from this particular gypsy’s eyes.
For my part I just keep clacking along my train tracks. The view is still pretty spectacular, especially now that I can look considerably further along them than I expected and not lose my balance (those of you who know, know, those of you who don’t , will find out a little later). I put in my “8 hours for the powers that have always been”, and in the evenings I lose myself in the world of Song of Ice And Fire (almost finished A Storm of Swords which I only started a week ago, a sign of how amazing these books really are) and tiny pieces of coloured thread that will eventually complete a picture.
Yes, I still sew, much to the surprise of some people. One of my friends back home likes to joke that by the time this contract is finished, I may well have the only fully tapestried cabin in the fleet.
As for Song of Ice And Fire, I haven’t had a series grab me like this since I fell into the world of David Eddings and Polgara The Sorceress when I was in high school. Back then I used to go to the book store just to read one more page of the hardcover edition, because I couldn’t afford to buy it. Were I still on land and near a book store, I would be doing the same thing with G.R.R. Martin. Which is a good thing, because with this long a stretch of sea days, we’re all in need of a bit of escape.
It’s hard to believe we’re only on Day 32. 80 more days to go.
One day – and one daydream – at a time.