To the Battlements – At Sea – [10/17/2013]

573997bb428fd455b6292623dedcfe9a-d6hdtuqYou’ve handled worse Sis, you’ve so got this.

So certain annoying siblings keep reminding me…

I keep reminding myself that I am from the flagship team. Therefore, I should be able to handle a crossing by myself. It’s only 9 days, 9 excruciatingly long trapped-on-the-ship-with-no-escape days.  9 days of running around like a headless chicken at a speed that is usually reserved for the end of the cruise only…

But still, only 9 days.

Lookie me, being a warrior princess. I am power-girl see me roar!


I’m also running on caffeine and chocolate. This may explain my slightly jittery nature…

The good news is I was granted my extension, so at the end of this cruise I have three weeks in the Caribbean to look forward to. Trust me, this is a good thing.  This is something I really really wanted and have been crossing my fingers for since I even started thinking about submitting for it a week ago. The Caribbean run is one of the easiest for me as so few people are staying on the ship and even fewer are reading more than one book. After this week that’s going to feel like a breeze. I might actually be able to get some reading done myself (I have about 8 books on the go, not including the one I have to read for book club, it’s rather sad really). It’s just a matter of getting through these next few days…

And attempting to help run duplicate bridge…

And party bridge…

And the game players meet…

And bingo…

And book club….

And host a table on formal night…

And manhandle about 50 returns and 100 checkouts an hour….

And prep for the talent show (that one’s voluntary and may be what’s keeping me sane)

And somewhere in there remember to eat…

And sleep…

Ah hell, it’s just 9 days…


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