Further Donations to the Blood Bank – At Sea – [01/05/2014]

Girl-fantasy-bookThere is perhaps, one day of the world cruise that remains my favourite. One day that I’m very protective of. I don’t even like sharing it with my co-librarian, though he’s a sweet person, and he seriously only wants to help.

The day they bring up the quarterly order.

200! 200 books! Everything I asked for except the German/English dictionary which I suspect got to me as a request too late to order, since everything else is there.

And when I say everything, I mean everything. The entire Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series (the guests are going to go nuts, I don’t know one of them that doesn’t adore Evanovich), the two new James Patterson books everyone’s been asking for, the entire Kay Hooper Special Agent series; 20 Agatha Christie titles, all with beautiful matching covers.  The new Emily Giffon, the new JD Robb, the Dan Brown (FINALLY)

And then there’s the stuff that I personally am phsyced about: the most beautiful hardcover special edition of The Mists of Avalon I’ve seen in ages (second time in one contract that book has fallen into my lap…I’m thinkin’ that’s a sign), the entire Thursday Next series including the new one that I didn’t even know had been published, the whole Wheel of Time series (ALL of it, ALL 14 books!), a biography of Gypsy Rose Lee, the 10th anniversary edition of American Gods, hardcover of Fragile Things, and an illustrated edition of Stardust. Two volumes of true ghost stories…

Yes, I know how to build a library. I know it reads like a lot of fantasy, but we also got our share of mystery, crime, at least two new biographies, several titles that have been requested for ages. After four years, I have finally managed to update the entire fiction section, pulled 200 books out that were from so many years ago that they hadn’t been checked out in at least three years; all of which will be donated to the residents of Pitcairn Island (they are seriously desperate for books there), and later on to the Philippines (I am determined to help where I can)…

Yeah, fangs are running out again…

If you need me…I’ll just…be over here…

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