The internet is the one thing created by humanity that humanity does not understand – Criminal Minds
I am starting to believe that every time you buy a new electronic device, it should come with a mandatory registration in a basic class that shows you how to use it. Because really, all this cool stuff we have? What good is it if we don’t know how to make it work right?
Yeah, you can tell that I spend most of my time these days working with various iPads, iPhones, iPods, tablets, macbooks and …a lot of other things, some of which I have utterly no clue how to navigate. But what the hey, they come to me, so I gotta learn how to teach them what to do.
Hey, at least I’m learning a lot!
The truly shocking thing? Okay, shocking for me at least – I know some people are going to roll their eyes at this – I’m good at it. I never honestly thought I’d be good at this. I’m a book girl, a grounded-down traditionalist who honestly doesn’t really have a good grip on technology. You want the latest on the newest toys? Ask your five year old nephew not me! But…half-way through the first week and I…am finding I can do this. Somehow, I’ve retained my old metaphorical juggling skills (though I’m really embarrassingly rusty on the literal ones), and I am finding that – as stressful as it is (and trust me, it is stressful) – I can keep all the balls in the air without anything crashing to the ground.
At least not yet.
People have always told me I have the personality for customer service. I suppose that’s true, but the reality is that every day I step out of my cabin I simply treat it like a role. I have to, because sometimes my heart is cracked in two right down the middle and with this job you simply can’t let that show. Combine that with the fact that I – at least like to think – am a genuinely nice person, and I want to make people’s lives easier, and I suppose that makes me the ideal candidate for what has essentially become a high pressure hospitality job.
But goddess help me it’s tiring.