Lazy Days – Charlottetown, P.E.I – [08/20/2014]

cold_feed_cold_front_artist_gil_elvgren_vintage_classic_pin_up_girl_poster_print_1_largeThere are days when you both feel like doing nothing, and feel like going out and doing something that just gets you off the ship. Cabin fever can kind of sneak up on you. Besides, as has been previously mentioned, Amras very rarely has a ‘full’ day in Charlottetown, as usually he has to bolt back to the ship to play – or attempt to play – the mussel bake set at the midship pool. Since that set was rescheduled this week, it left us with a lot more time on our hands than we usually have.

The terminal has a crew wi-fi lounge, and Amras is trying to teach me a video game, which you can only play online (and forget playing it on our ship’s slow signal!) I emphasis that he is trying to teach me said game. Until recently – I have been failing miserably at learning. I am slowly starting to improve, and at least I’m not driving myself off of cliffs anymore! But an ace? I am most definitely not. Thing is, Amras is, which means he’s constantly sitting next to me telling me to angle left, angle right, fire now, and – more often – back up back up back up!

The in game matchmaker – the bot that arranges who goes where in a battle – doesn’t have the slightest idea what to do with us most of the time, most aces don’t platoon with completely new recruits.

But hey, we’re having fun, which is all that matters I suppose.

But even we can’t game forever; eventually my tummy started complaining that it needed food.

There is an Irish Pub in every city in the world, I am convinced of this (I’ve been even more convinced of it since we found one in Barcelona), and Charlottetown is no exception. The food was probably overpriced, but it tasted yummy, and I finally got to have an Irish Pride cocktail, which the introduced on the ship the St Pat’s after prohibition was rolled out…it was very minty, and very green. But really, the highlight of the restaurant was the staff – more specifically, the waitress, more specifically her accent. When she opened her mouth to rattle off the specials, Ireland just wound through her voice…I could have handed that girl the phone book to read and been entranced…

Couldn’t have told you what the specials were..

Did you hear anything she actually said Sis?


That’s okay, neither did I…

Lunch finished we just kind of…wandered…the rest of the day. On a whim I decided I wanted ice cream, there’s a shop here called “Cow’s” which is apparently very well known in ice cream circles. I – not being an ice cream connoisseur – was unaware of this. But it was yummy, and there’s also the fact that it was flavours other than just your standard chocolate/vanilla/strawberry triptych. Honestly sometimes it feels like years since I’ve tasted mint chocolate chip! And it was one of those ice cream parlours where a single scoop is more than enough…

Of course, Amras may be able to handle a virtual tank like an ace…but manages to cut himself on something as innocent as an ice cream cone…

I’m a terrible person…I laughed!

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3 Responses to Lazy Days – Charlottetown, P.E.I – [08/20/2014]

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