We have a BBQ party/buffet dinner every embarkation day, which the crew partakes in as well as the guests. I never eat much, but the buffet line features a fruit selection that is not really available for the rest of the cruise, so I usually treat myself to that. Having finished my BBQ’d chicken and such, I start peeling my banana.
And Amras just looks at me…
I’m just going to take this moment to move my plate so that I don’t have to watch you eat your banana.
Huh? I’m just enjoying my banana; it is a totally innocent act!
Not if you’re a guy it’s not. It’s never just a girl eating a banana. NEVER.
At which point I just looked at him and took a wholly non-innocent bite of said banana…because hey, who can pass up an opportunity like that when it’s pitched over home plate?
I have no idea what you’re talking about
Uh huh, sure….
This went on for a while; I managed to finish the offensive fruit before he returned to the table. One youth staff joined us in the meantime. I couldn’t stop my uncontrollable giggles, but managed to speak through them whilst attempting to eat the ice cream he had brought me – strawberry with sprinkles, precisely the way I liked it, Amras knows me far too well.
So, I resisted the temptation to just go and get another banana…
He glared at me.
But I was tempted! I may just have to discover an inexplicable liking of bananas
No! Nope, that is not allowed
Are you telling me what to do? It is an innocent consumption of a fruit! I happen to like bananas!
No! no bananas for you!
At this point the Youth Staff who is sitting with us looks over completely baffled and states that she must have missed something in this conversation. I’m still trying desperately not to laugh, and failing rather epically. I manage to explain the gist of the “apparently I am not allowed to eat bananas in front of him because I am a girl”, argument that is going on.
All this is really accomplishing is making me what to eat more bananas!
And she just nods in agreement and looks at Amras and says
She’s right you know, that’s totally what I would take away from this conversation: note to self – eat more bananas.
It’s never just a girl eating a banana!!!
Rule 11: Never, ever, eat a Banana while staring someone else in the eyes.