Where Did Ya Come From – Sydney, Nova Scotia – [09/02/2014

buell-pitchforkSo which dances are we doing tonight?

The standards, start with the Countrified electric, into Lucky Lady, into Sidestep, into Hitch…

So just four?

Nah, gonna do five actually…

What’s number five?

Cotton Eye’d Joe

And the show host and I just look at each other, and then look back at Elsa, who was running last night’s line dance session, and then back at each other. I break into delighted giggles, because I love that dance, and the show host just settles back in the DJ booth,

Y’all have fun with that one y’hear, Imma just gonna sit myself right here on this here stool and run the music…

Y’see, the other four line dances we do for country night are relatively laid back, they’re not very fast and they certainly don’t involve any jumping around – I mean “Hitchhiker” you can do sitting down really. But Cotton Eye’d Joe? That’s a whole different story. The last time I did that dance was years ago on the flagship – and we started out with a full floor of guests and it ended up being just me and one other team member by the end. I’m sure that if we had played the whole song last night it would have ended up that way here as well, but our Show Host is smart and he fades each song out half-way through.

Even so, we had a lot of startled reactions when the song actually started, even though we had warned them it would be fast. No one ever expects it to be as fast as it is.

Me of course, I just figure go big or stay home…means my muscles are killing me in the morning but hey, sometimes it’s worth it.


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One Response to Where Did Ya Come From – Sydney, Nova Scotia – [09/02/2014

  1. Julia says:

    I would pay money to see you do Cotton Eye’d Joe. (Though probably not enough to go on a whole cruise) It is fast!!

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