The continuing adventures of a girl who likes bananas…
I had IPM today, and I also had a whole lot of training, which meant that I stayed on the ship during the morning (at least until the cast began their afternoon rehearsal which freed up a slot for me to be able to go ashore). Since I hadn’t yet heard our new singer, I perched myself at a table for lunch, clinked glasses with Amras before he went up to the set, and settled back to people watch.
Thing is, I wasn’t really hungry. My appetite comes and goes, mostly goes…but I usually try to force myself to eat something…
Which is when I was struck with one of my impish moments.
Y’see, Amras was on the stand (obviously), most of the time his back is to me, but every so often he turns around and scans the crowd, especially if there are other entertainment team members sitting nearby, which there usually are, but the point being, if he’s on the bandstand, he’s a captive to the bandstand. I smother a mischievous little smile, turn to Predator who’s sitting with me and tell him I’ll be back in a minute. Thankfully there was no line at the buffet, because they frown on crew making special requests if there are guests to be served.
Excuse me, do you have fruit on this side or is it the other?
What are you looking for miss?
I have a sudden craving for a banana…
No problem
I return with said banana, sit down, push my half-finished plate aside and giggle. This causes Predator to look at me curiously for a moment, but he shrugs it off, until Amras turns around on the bandstand just as I take my first bite. Utterly, priceless reaction. Reaction that had both Predator and I collapsing in laughter.
Oh you are mean…
He has this thing about me not eating bananas! Hates me eating bananas!
That’s because he’s a guy, we’re all pigs.
Nope, it really isn’t…
I have been told this…
Yes, yes I am a mean girl. I am fully aware of this. But the look of total exasperation on his face when he next turned around and saw me innocently eating a banana was so worth the flack I’m sure to catch for it later.