Can You Hear? – [10/03/2014]


Can you hear them?

You can’t hear them.

That’s okay, no one ever can. Sometimes those of us who do wonder what we’re really hearing, wonder why our temples throb with a phantom pain that we know shouldn’t be there, wonder why we’re on edge, wonder if we really belong in the outside world at all, or if we would be better off somewhere else for everyone’s good.

But deep down, we know. We know what we’re hearing. What you can’t hear.

You’re still looking at us like we’re crazy. That’s okay, we’re used to that. You can’t hear them, but we can.

Voices just at the edge of normal senses, arguing, laughing, tempting, cajoling…

‘Come out, come out wherever you are…we won’t hurt you, you know that, you can trust us. Come out, come out and play…come and be the princess at the party. Don’t worry about the others, they won’t even notice you’re gone…”

Snatching whispers at the edge of consciousness. Nearly silent, and yet so very, painfully, Loud.

But you don’t hear them.

You send your children out into the dark and are ever expectant that they will return, send them out, your ghosts, your goblins, your infant witches, light their way with buck-tooth pumpkins and friendly spirits. Warn them of the dangers of the unknown, of the strangers, but it is not the living strangers you need worry about. Go ahead, enjoy your sugar train, have your fun. Pay no heed to the rest of us, those of us who lock ourselves away, who salt our windows and slip jet black beads around our wrists and ‘round our necks.

Don’t mind us…the ones you think crazy…

We’re not crazy…

You just can’t hear them…

Oh…and one more thing…

Happy Halloween

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3 Responses to Can You Hear? – [10/03/2014]

  1. Amras says:

    Oh Hematite how I need thee sometimes. Thank you for recognizing the sensitive types. XO

  2. Love the pic in this one 😀

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