Walking the Railroad Tracks to Crossing 32 – Quebec – [10/05/2014]

ce73ac2eb0b884a67f0edc8c61badf75Birthdays spent ship-side are always a little odd. It doesn’t particularly matter if you’ve been away from home for your birthday for ages (I’ve not been home on my birthday since 2011…I think), it never ceases to feel odd. This time last year I was traipsing through Guadi Park in Barcelona with Amras (“what did you get for your birthday?” “Oh…nothin’ much, just Barcelona”), this year I’m ambling through the damp streets of Quebec instead.

Really, my life is so bizarre.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve become not a huge birthday celebration person, other people can have their big splashy parties (and trust me, we have plenty of birthday parties in the Officer’s Bar of a season), I much prefer a nice quiet lunch with a good friend and a few overly-long phone calls to home.

And today the museum I’ve been meaning to go to all season had a discount on its admission, so $5 gained me and my friend KitKat entry into the world of Greek mythology. The audioguide that was provided with the exhibition was narrated by the ‘voices’ of two ancient Greek poets, one of which was Homer – they didn’t give credit to whomever the voice over actors were, but they were excellent. I wonder how one goes about getting a gig like that. Note to self, look more deeply into museums. The exhibit itself was beautiful, the artifacts themselves were from Berlin, and I’m not sure where they’re travelling to after this, but I was so glad I had the chance to see them before they left (which they will do in the next month or so).

I stand by my opinion that Greek mythology, while beautiful, is also…somewhat messed up. I mean, look at Zues! I am Zues, king of the gods, also…father to most of the gods…lover to several of the gods (including some of the ones I am father to), and I turn into animals to seduce humans because I’m bored. See what I mean?? Messed up! And don’t get me started on the nymphs, nymphs have a seriously bad run in greek mythology.

But…not all of it is funny, or dysfunctional. There are…some things, that are most definitely not.

There are those of you who will know exactly what it meant to me to stand and stare up into the eyes of Artemis, even though parts of the statue were restored/modern additions, it was still Her – and that’s so still what matters.

Hello Lady…care to tell me what to do next?

She didn’t answer…but then again, She so seldom does. But…I did feel something unclench inside me while I stood there looking at Her, like a knot of tension I hadn’t even realized was there.

The sun had finally managed to struggle through the clouds by the time we got out of the museum, so the walk to the resteraunt was bright and felt almost like spring if it weren’t for the chill that is ever present in the air this time of year.

Thankfully, despite the fact that we were getting there late, the resteraunt didn’t have a line up (something nearly unheard of for ‘rush hour’ in this place), though we did have to sit at the bar. Which wasn’t so bad really, since the bartender was really friendly. Sometimes it’s just nice to get away, and the place is far enough off the beaten track that no one really finds it, and those who do normally can’t be bothered once they see that it’s crowded.

Work was quiet once I got back to the ship, and that alone is a gift in and of itself. Completely unexpectedly KitKat got me flowers! So pretty! And then, my Event Manager calls looking for KitKat, which – in the world of the entertainment department – means just one thing when it’s someone’s birthday. I poked my head around my door (KitKat lives across the hall from me)

Tell me it’s not a surprise party…


If it’s a surprise party I’m not going…they scare me.

She just wants to give you cake and sing happy birthday! I am making you go because I want cake!

So I recultantly make my way up to the office, fully convinced that it’s going to be the whole team there, which is always so awkward (and is the reason I never have my name on the birthday lists at work), but it’s not. It’s just my boss…who proceeds to present me with a tiny cake just big enough for two people…and who does in fact sing me happy birthday.

I know what a private person you are, I so wasn’t going to do anything public for you. But I’d also never forget your birthday silly girl! You are so loved out here, by lots of people, don’t you forget that…now go enjoy your cake you two.

Moral of the story: birthdays at sea are strange, but they can be pretty nifty sometimes…

I don’t know what this year will bring, I never do. This birthday hit me hard and strangely, and I’ve been trying to untangle why that is. But one thing I do know is this: I championed my way through another year, and if I don’t get ID’d at bars anymore? That’s nearly as much of a compliment as being carded used to be, because it means I look like I’m old enough to actually have a life, and at least any lines that might show up in the mirror? Are from laughing more than they are from crying…and that is always a good thing. 31 wasn’t always good to me, but nor was it always cruel…just like most of the other years.

And after all, it’s just another number, and numbers only mean something if you allow them to…and even then, it’s still just another step on along the railroad tracks.

Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me this far.


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