Ever since I was a kid, if I get a fever, it’s high. Sky high. I remember being doused in ice baths as a child in an attempt to bring my temperatures down; although in reality there was no ice in the tub, just very luke warm water – I remember the ice because it felt so painfully cold against my very very hot skin.
My mother always says not to let anyone tell me that 105 degree temperature is not possible, because I had one and did not die.
At any rate.
If you have a fever on the ship you have to immediately call into medical, because whatever it is you have may be contagious, if you are found to have had a fever and you *didn’t* call in – no matter what your excuse…you’re in potentially very big trouble. My fevers usually hit hard and die fast…I had one once that literally lasted only two hours before shattering, but last night I knew something was wrong. One minute I was fine, the next I was dizzy and achy and then all the hairs on my arms started standing up…Amras looked at me and immediately asked what was wrong
I think I’m sick…
And I lift my chin so he can check my glands, which are painfully swollen to the touch.
Bloody hell…
Yeah, and feel…I think I have a fever…
At which point he points to the phone
Call hun, you know you have to.
So I call the front office who calls the first call nurse, who calls me and tells me to make my way up to the infirmary. She gives me a smile and sets the thermometer to my ear…and then her eyes go just that little bit wide
Yeah, that’s what I thought,
I patiently answer all her questions, give her my cabin number, explain that I spent most of my time with Amras so he should probably be checked too.
I’ll have to isolate you up here
Isolation. I HATE isolation. There’s a reason I’ve never allowed myself to become sick enough to be pulled off duty; isolation feels like solitary confinement. I’m a wimp when I’m sick, I deeply need people around me, if they would just let one person in to check on me once in a while…but no, once that door closes you’re on your own except the doctor.
I suppose it isn’t so bad, they tell you to bring everything with you that you’ll need for a few days, so I have my laptop, I have Neverland, I have my own blankets and my teddy bear (yes, I still travel with a teddy bear), Amras brought up my toothbrush because I forgot it last night. I wasn’t allowed to see him of course, the nurse brought it in.
It was a long uncomfortable night, trying to sleep with a high temperature is kind of like trying to sleep on hot coals. I think the worst of the fever broke around 2am, so I did manage to get some actual rest.
The library is running on self-service while I’m off duty, so I’m trying not to think of how much work I’ll have to catch up on when I get back…part of me hopes that they keep me out for the full 72 hours so that I can avoid the insane end-of-cruise rush, but they’ll probably let me out tomorrow morning. I have to go 24 hours without a temperature.
In the meantime it’s movies, embroidery thread and room service…