Still Solitary – Ketchikan, Alaska – [09/03/2015]

2-attractivepeoplereading-Michelle-WilliamsDay 2…

I was supposed to be released today I suspect, but my temperature spiked overnight (which I don’t know how much it really did, as it was 2am and I was obviously under the covers and the room was warm, but numbers are numbers)…so I’m in for another day.

I’m trying to think of isolation as an enforced vacation, but the truth is I’m terribly bored. My friends and colleagues have been brilliant about checking in on me, and my boss is watching the library while I’m away, but I feel like I’m being paid to do a job that I’m currently unable to do, and that makes it difficult to relax. That said, medical did say I would be off work for at least two days so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

The thing about being isolated actually *in* the infirmary as opposed to your own cabin (which isn’t possible for me as I have a roommate), is that you really truly are isolated. If you’re stuck in your own room on A-deck, conceivably people can at least come and talk to you through the door, or from the other side of the threshold. Here? The infirmary rooms are in the back of medical, and they don’t let anybody back here. The only contact I have with the world of the rest of the ship is the phone line, and the doctor when she comes in to check on me twice a day.

I’m making a point of getting out of bed and dressed and such, so that I’m still in some kind of a routine; and my Mum is right, you feel better if you get up and “do” something. Even if that something is just getting yourself out of bed and moving around.

The annoying thing is that aside from a bit of a sore throat (my glands are still up), I feel fine. This is nothing more than a nasty cold that’s gotten away from me. When I first got checked they tested me for the flu (obviously), but I’m assuming those tests came back negative as they didn’t tell me that I in fact have the flu. Then again, perhaps they just forgot to tell me, who knows.

So I’ve asked Amras to bring up my copy of Les Mis, figuring that if there were ever a time for me to start reading something epic perhaps this is it, when I have little else to do. In the meantime, I’m making good progress on Neverland (yup, I have my embroidery in here with me), and watching more television than I would normally do in a week…

Someone come let me out?

This entry was posted in Alaska, Below the waterline, Northern Exposure 2015, Summer Contracts. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Still Solitary – Ketchikan, Alaska – [09/03/2015]

  1. Sorry to hear you’re sick. Hopefully it passes without much fuss

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