Recaptured – Seattle, Washington – [05/18/2017]

Well you know they say all good things must come to some kind of ending

~ Christian Kane

How can it be the end of the week already?  It seems like we all just arrived here, and yet here we are all backing up our carry-ons and suitcases and heading our separate ways, letting the ocean carry us off in different directions.

I never expected this to be as incredibly enjoyable as it has been. You picture business conferences as structured, perhaps slightly stuck up affairs, with proper language and suits and ties. This couldn’t have been more opposite to that. From beginning to end it was one big joyful babble of new ideas and new toys (some of which I am not permitted to discuss) and collaboration that you couldn’t help but get swept up in. I am pretty sure that by the end of today we had long forgotten who was “the boss” and who wasn’t.

The take away is that there are a lot of amazing things coming. Some of which I cannot wait to get my hands on. This conference alone has sold me on the idea of the early access insider program. I am not waiting to start playing with some of this. And some of that stuff we’re going to get to teach to others, and some of it is going to make a huge difference to those people and that is beyond awesome. I have hardware in my pocket that’s potentially going to fix some of the ongoing issues with the ship that I’m currently on classroom wise, and I have new classes to plan and look forward to.

But mostly…for a week I wasn’t just the weird girl who carried the files. This week taught me something else: I can fit in. I didn’t know that, I seriously didn’t. I somewhat thought I’d forgotten how, but this week recaptured something I thought I’d left behind when I walked off my university campus for the last time. And that alone – setting aside all the other brilliant parts of the last few days – would have been worth the plane ride

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One Response to Recaptured – Seattle, Washington – [05/18/2017]

  1. Kerryn Carter says:

    Wow, it’s wonderful to hear you so happy and recharged. Feeding off the combined energy of people to whom you can relate is such a buzz. I’m glad you had a good time and learned so much, not just about the work/tech side of things either. Have fun planning your new classes!

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