Camp Granada – Boston, Mas – [05/20/2017]

And so I have returned from what really feels like an excursion to summer camp. A little bittersweet to be sure, it’s been a long time since I had that much fun or worked with so many like-minded people…but at least now my head is all full of new ideas and such. It has gone a long way to refreshing my enthusiasm for classes, and that’s always a good thing!

The transfer this time was not as horrid as it normally is to go from vacation to ship. Another of our merry little group was travelling with me on the same flight, and while we weren’t seated together it was nice to be able to have company on that strange journey in between worlds.

The new computers are nearly hooked up – still waiting for IT to clear me for access to the internet connection I’ll need to teach specific things. For now I’ve got my demo videos, and that’s enough to cover the gap. The next few days will be spent updating all the old computers so that things finally work as they should.

I arrived to a nice relaxed day, my manager having removed my traditional Open House for the day so I’d have time to settle in and figure out my schedule for the rest of the day. So I didn’t have anything that needed doing until drill, and nothing after that until my evening class. It’s lovely to have management that’s considerate of the fact that you’ve just flown from coast to coast.

So yes, I’m back from summer camp, with my head all full of new thoughts and such. I miss the rest of the team, but at least I got to meet them at all, which is something that cannot be said all the time out here.

But I still miss my awesome nerds…


This entry was posted in Below the waterline, Reflections, South Of the Border 2017, Transitions, Vacations/Shore-Side. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Camp Granada – Boston, Mas – [05/20/2017]

  1. Kerryn Carter says:

    ~hugs heaps~ Yes, bittersweet is the appropriate word but I’m sure the memories you have of them all will make you smile whenever you think of them.

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