So, here I go again. How can it only be under a week before I head out? I’m all packed, which is nothing to sneeze at….now if only I could find my nametag, I swear I just had it…
Air Canada’s drastic damage to my luggage has left me without a duffle bag, instead I’m using my smaller hardsided case to carry my “cabin”, which thankfully is all very light. Hey for once I’ll be underweight on my luggage fees! Now if I could just find something to hook those bags together…
So my flight is on Sunday, I’ll have a few cruises in Alaska and then…then I’ll start the Grand Asia.
To say I am a little bit nervous would be a bit of an understatement. I did almost this exact same itinerary last season but it wasn’t an official grand cruise, and I was nervous then. This time it is official, and I find myself being paranoid that I haven’t prepared properly that I may have missed something. And the last time I did a cruise like this it…was a challenge for me…but that was a different job, a different circumstance, a different me.
I can do this, I can totally and absolutely do this.
The hours are lighter, the days shorter. I have time in between shifts. Enough time to do things like…learn the guitar!
Oh right, progress report: um, there isn’t any. I managed to wrench a muscle in my shoulder and the doctor said (and I quote) “your rock star career can wait for a week, no picking up the guitar”. But, my guitar does have a new case (thank you Amras, for finding it for me) and seems quite happy there until I can get her on the ship to actually start practicing again. Thankfully calling in Victoria once every two weeks means that I can pick it up later. Then all I have to deal with is figuring out how to do plane-side check in as I’ve never…done that before. But hey, one carry on, one personal item…one guitar, one carry-spinner, technically I’ll be within the restrictions.
I think…
Oh well, deal with that when I come to it..
Now, where did I put that nametag…
I hope you found your name tag. It wasn’t that long ago that you were nervous about a certain conference you had to attend. I’m sure you will be fine with this grand cruise too.