Delayed…Again… – Victoria – [08/13/2017]

Ah, airports, no matter how many times I walk your halls you do not get any more particularly pleasant, and I do not seem to have that sense of adventure associated with you that so many of my loved ones do.

Well actually that’s not quite right, I do have that sense of excitement when I’m going for a vaction – like when Amras and I went to DC (was that really over a year ago! God/dess how time flies!) but when I’m flying out for contract? Nerves are already on edge, already feeling a tiny bit jangled…and you – dear airport – are not my favourite locale in the world.

Particularly when it seems that every commute I make, something goes off-schedule. Granted, a two hour flight delay is nothing along the scale of my Marvelous Misadventure of a few years back, it is none-the-less annoying, and vaguely frustrating, if only because it seems to happen all the time, Perhaps I’m just more exposed to small snafus because I fly so often.

But ah well, nothing to be done about it now, the flight will be here when it gets here. In the meantime, I have a book, and a laptop that has a very good battery life…and an airport shop that sells chocolate…so…I’m good. For now…

Applejack remains discontented that she is still in my bag instead of out adventuring somewhere..

I don’t’ think AJ quite understands the concept of flight delays….


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One Response to Delayed…Again… – Victoria – [08/13/2017]

  1. Kerryn Carter says:

    Most little ones don’t. Maybe you can find a treat for her when she is finally allowed out.

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