Honey, we all came here because we were running from something. We all stay because we finally found a place where we can stop running
A former colleague of mine – now long retired I think – said that to me one night at one of the passenger bars, it stuck with me. Has ever since.
We all came to Mamma Ocean because we were running from something on land.
I suppose in my own way, I’m no different
An odd thing has started happening ot me lately, I have realized that when I’m at work? I’m at peace. Yes, the job is hard sometimes, but the up-sides do outweigh the downs. Getting here is a pain? But once I’m here? It’s sometimes as if a ten pound weight drops off my shoulders. Life makes sense here, routines are comforting, I know the rules, I know the people. My appetite nearly instantly returns (I wolfed down a full omelet this morning, that has been unusual for me these days), and I sleep. Worked like a madwoman all day yesterday (Seriously, embark day does not stop, ever), and fell into bed before 11, and there were no dreams…not one. Or at least not that I remember, not the type that usually keep me up at night.
Or course it does help that I love the new room. They shuffled the cabins around so that we’re up on the top deck, no window but the room is huge, it feels almost like a small apartment, with tons of floor space and FOUR closets! There will even be room for my guitar when it arrives! And…almost enough room for my books. Almost 😉
Stop running Shaughnessy, for the next little while…you’re home.
That’s wonderful. So many good things all happening at once for you. Enjoy your time and remember to practice once your shoulder is better. Your new cabin sounds like there is even room for dancing.