Uniformly Un-uniformed – Anchorage, Alaska – [09/04/2017]

It’s the computer age. Nerds are in! …They…are still in right? ~ Willow Rosenberg

Last cruise I was wearing company greys and feeling for all the world like I’d stepped out of a classic 1940s movie. Don’t get me wrong, the uniform is stylish and it actually looks very pretty on me, I still wear it often after 6 o’clock, but one can only wear a pencil skirt so much before it gets a bit awkward.

We got the new Microsoft issued uniform shirts this home port. Which means that in the ‘blink of a cosmic clock’ (thank you Quantum Leap) my day-to-day look has rather changed.

Out with the grey, in with the geek.

Pair the polo with dress slacks, patterned chuck tailors, brightly coloured themed hair decorations (today’s is Cheshire Cat stripes) and themed socks (which you can’t see because yeah, slacks, but I know they’re there…this afternoon’s were Sailor Moon themed) …ha! All hail to the uber geek.

A job where I get to be in uniform and still actually feel like myself.

Rather a far cry from the drab little mouse who sat behind a desk all day wondering how she was supposed to be smiling all the time.

Yup, I like it here. Yup yup yup.

I actually only realized today that I have added all these little personal touches to my uniform. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I don’t look professional, far from it, most of this is stuff you’ll never notice unless you really are the type to observe little details; and, as I said, I still wear the full formal uniform at night.

Anchorage today provided the Cheshire Cat hair clip, and the Sailor Moon accessories, along with two Disney mini-posters now added to my cabin wall, and a tiny G1 MLP figurine that made me squeal with geeker joy just because it is G1 (trust me, that’s rare). What can I say, Anchorage has a Hot Topic. I have my weaknesses after all.

At least I only got one mystery G1 figurine (which ended up being Sundance, which means I’ll have to go back and get another one, because I really want Firefly…)

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