Usually the end of the Alaska season is a mess of rain and rough weather; but so far this cruise it seems that Mother Nature has decided that the storm she pounded us with last week (which at one point had the ship on a 12 degree tilt for a nauseating 9 minutes, that was not fun) …was enough.
The sun poured out of a bright blue sky in Ketchikan this afternoon, spilling over the brightly coloured buildings of Creek Street and glittering off the water of the creek itself.
It’s the end of the season, so the streets were blissfully near empty where only a few weeks ago they were heaving with people. It’s really only at this time of year that you can honestly see the town for what it is. Just a little fishing town that is closing up after us and tucking itself in for the off season.
Of course end of season also means sales. Let’s just say that we’ve laid in a good supply of chocolate for the many sea days head of us! As well as some seriously yummy smoked salmon, because somehow you just can’t go to Alaska without picking up at least one tin of smoked salmon
Om nom nom nom nom
Also, seeing as how it is the end of season ,Amras and I were able to grab a seat at the Lumberjack Show. Unlike the last time we attended several seasons back, this time I made absolutely sure to sit on the Canadian side of the competition line, and then proceeded to giggle at the fact that many people hadn’t realized there is a competition line. If you sit on one side you cheer for Dawson Creek (go Canada!) if you sit on the other you cheer for the US team (boo!). As the MC of the show was all too happy to point out
Now I notice some sour faces over on the Dawson Creek side about the fact that y’all are cheerin’ for Canada. Awww…well, let me just say, if you aren’t happy with who your team is or where you’re sittin’….TOUGH!
Canada lost (we were robbed!) but a good time was definitely had by all. Especially with the sunshine being as brilliant as it was.
After the show we ambled up past the main part of town and realized just how much the town really has changed. Gone is the vintage store where we used to play pinball, the saloon we played pool at was closed, and much to my dismay the hippy-style store where I brought my prayer flags is gone as well. But some things stay the same, the Burger Queen building is still where it’s always been, and the milkshakes there are still so thick you can barely use a straw (I swear this was the first time I’d tried one ,and yet it felt vaguely familiar somehow), and the streets all still lead where you expect them to. The restaurant by the bay doesn’t serve chowder any more, but still serves excellent fish and chips, and there is still a creepy Santa in the window of the local Christmas shop.
Everything does change after all. Even in something as seemingly unchanging as a beautiful little town at the edge of a river in Alaska.
But sometimes sunshine just makes everything seem timeless.