We Went…which-a-way? – Homer (not Seward), Alaska – [09/20/2017]

When you’ve done as many contracts as Amras and I have in Alaska, you kind of come to the natural assumption that you know the ports. After all, between the two of us we have been up and down the Alaska coast probably at least a half dozen times. It’s fair to say that we usually know where we are

At least we thought that…until yesterday…

We both were certain of where we were, we had plans based on where we were certain that we were. So we got on the bus to go and do those plans …only to find that when we got off the bus absolutely nothing looked familiar.

Nothing, not even a street.

The town we thought we were in had a bustling little downtown and a couple of pool halls (which was where we were planning on going, Amras owes me a rematch from…2015) but what we got instead was…nothing. There were two restaurants, one of which was closed and one of which was an overpriced crepe place (sadly the crepes weren’t even that good).

Where ARE we?

I have no idea…

Shouldn’t there be an aquarium there? And a brewery there…and the pool place right next that..

We can’t both be going crazy

We weren’t crazy as it turned out, we were just totally confusing our ports. It turned out we were thinking of Seward, though it took us a long time to figure out that that was where we were thinking about. Before that there was a lot of confused wandering around wondering who took all the buildings…

Apparently Alaska can still surprise us…


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2 Responses to We Went…which-a-way? – Homer (not Seward), Alaska – [09/20/2017]

  1. Both of you 😀 lol

    I mean really, both of you?

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