Altered Routines – Puerto Vallarta – [10/23/2019]

I am slowly but surely adjusting to the fact that I am on a much bigger vessel than usual! You see, the flagship – and the class (that is to say size) of ship she belongs to – is relatively small, though in industry terms she’s considered “mid-size”, holding somewhere around 1400 guests plus the necessary crew.

The ship on I’m now? Well she’s still considered “mid-size” if you compare her to something like…the 6,000 passenger ships that some other companies run. But for us? She’s one of our second biggest ships in the fleet.

It’s been a long long time since I was on this class of vessel, well, a long time in ship time. The last time I was on a ship of this size was in 2013, which is an eternity ago in ship years. The length of time away means that I had to get an employee orientation when I arrived, and also means that – while my feet are slowly finding their way – I am still spending large portions of my day either getting lost or completely underestimating the time it takes to get from point A to point B! I’m used to living one deck up from my office, and a five minute walk away from everything I need to get to. Here? I live down on A-deck, and my deck 2 office is at the other end of the vessel. Let’s just say that’s definitely thrown my morning timing off!

But my boss is brilliant and the rest of the team seems nice enough (though much smaller than I’m used to!) and while my cabin is tiny I’ve at least made it homey.

And hey, I’m not getting lost as much as I was a few days ago!


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