Chartered – At Sea – [10/25/2019]

This coming cruise will be a new experience for me. Well, perhaps not completely new but new in the context of being a workshop host.

This coming turn around port we start a full ship charter. In this case it’s the Blues Cruise. The thing is, the bring in all their own artists, their own everything, and they won’t be needing my classes. So the workshop gets closed down for a week and I go volunteer for helping with autograph signings and greeting people at the doors for their events. A few hours a day, certainly nothing too difficult.

I almost feel guilty, as other parts of the ship: the culinary department, beverage, the stage techs, they’ll be working extremely hard and very different hours.

But me? I handed over the keys to the workshop to my boss this evening, she will hand them to the people running the charter tomorrow morning, and I just…glide for the rest of the week.

The last time I was on a charter cruise was…I think at least 5 years ago, when I was still working as a librarian on the big ships in Alaska in between world cruises. The most entertaining one stands as the Twilight Charter where they did all their events at night and walked around in red contact lenses during the day…that one was definitely…odd.

But this one though? This stands to be a super easy week, with a light schedule and no major commitments, and at least one day completely off – I wonder if anyone has any idea how rare that is out here!

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