I’ve Found You Christmas – Victoria, BC – [12/25/2021]

Christmas Day will always be, just as long as we have we

~ How the Grinch Stole Christmas

No one will ever argue that this year has been easy, or that this Christmas was anywhere near normal. I’m sure my little corner of the world was not the only one where some of the decorations stayed in the box and the parcels under the tree were slim.

But for me? All that brings home is how …little importance the boxes and bags and glitter really hold. It’s the hard years that make us realize what the holidays – what life – is really all about. Its’ about your people, your …Pack.  The people who make up your world, are not always the people you expect.

This was probably one of the quietest holidays I’ve ever had. And yet, it was in some ways one of the most magical. Because even when the outside guests all have to cancel (for various reasons, not the least of which is social responsibility), and when your energy levels are low…it’s the moments that simply *are* that are the most precious. The moments curled up in front of the fire with my family, the cat not being able to make up i his mind how he feels about this whole tree thing, the gifts that may not be many but that were given with so much thought and love that they mean more than money can buy. The random tears and the more random laughter. The perfectly made tea in the morning and the overwhelming smell of oranges.

And that sudden magical moment when you realize that yes…it really is snowing.

It came without ribbons, it came without tags, it came without packages boxes or bags…but I will stand toe to toe with anyone who says that it came without gifts.

It was everything I could have asked for.

And I spoke some words to the close and holy darkness…

And I slept

Bright blessings everyone.

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