Slow and Steady – Montreal – [08/23/2014]

a5bd27c601c0c6ef71dfe657148c8f6cOn most of my other ships, embark day is sort of known as the day the “ship gets revenge” the crazy day, the day where you start and simply don’t stop. Oddly enough I’ve found that’s just not the way here.

Of course it helps that these days I’ve gone back to my long thought lost tendency to “sleep like a cat”…just flop and pass out, boneless, deep, dreamless…that’s a blessing out here. I thought I’d lost the ability a long time ago, but apparently I’m finally relaxed enough for it to come back.

Anyway, embark day here actually has a lovely lazy start…I do have to wake up early (ish) so that I can open the library for the handful of CVG guests we have on board each week (though none of them actually come to the library that early) – but after that I don’t start work until the afternoon! This is nearly unheard of!

When we’re in Boston, Amras and I usually use our brief amount of time off together in the morning to head out and window shop and generally wander (one of these days we’re going to do the Swan Boats), but neither he nor I are fans of Montreal so usually we both crawl back into bed and call each other in time for lunch if we happen to remember. Which sometimes we don’t, so we end up not seeing each other until the welcome aboard party band set – which is to say I sit and eat my lunch and listen to them play…

Despite the lazy start though once work does start it tends not to stop; however, so far this crowd seems substantially less demanding than last weeks. They’re getting harder and harder to predict. Week before last we thought we’d have them eating out of our hands, and then the ratings came in…ouch! So we are remaining cautiously optimistic if nothing else!

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One Response to Slow and Steady – Montreal – [08/23/2014]

  1. macmcseboy says:

    Not a fan of YUL?! omg! You need a guide! I need to get there and steal you away for a night at Foufs!

    *attempts Q fingersnap* grrr why can’t it work IRL

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